Chastity and Globalization, Advent 2001

Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio

Its a long time that I’ve had the desire to write some thoughts about the evangelical consecrated chastity in the global and interreligious context. A question will arise, where is the link between this item and the world crisis that we are passing through, and what positive things could this argument produce?


The letter to the friends of the Monastery of St Moses, Deir el-Hayek, November 2001


Very dear friends of Deir Mar Musa,




Letter to the Friends of the Monastery of Saint Moses the Abyssinian in Nebek, June 2000

Jens Petzold, who was baptised four years ago in the monastery, consecrated himself to God in the monastic profession during the celebration of the Eucharist on Easter Monday. Boutros Abo did the same on the feast of the Cross, September 14, after almost five years of life in the monastery.



Letter to the friends of the monastery Mar Musa, June 1999.

This year’s letter is composed of two sections:

- The first section is about the news of the community and its projects.



Letter to the Friends of the Monastery of Saint Moses, 1996 / 97

February 1997

DMM AngelI wished you had received this “Letter to all friends of the Monastery of Mar Musa” before Christmas, but you will read it for Lent, as I hope.

I heartily thank, personally and on behalf of the community, all those who sent us greetings and wishes letters. Evening prayer is the privileged place in which we can meet all of you in spirit of solidarity. We feel tied up one another, so that we can deeply touch your sharing to our community enterprise.




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